Dealing with content licenses

In a previous article, we have mentioned how you can easily place content, what sources can be used, and even discussed some tips for navigating while placing content. However, an important factor to consider when sharing your virtual space is whether the content you are using comes with a license, the most common license obligates users to mention the original creator. 

Credits to the creator

Although most objects and 3D models are free in Sketchfab they often come with a CC (Creative Commons) license which means the model or object is free to use, but whenever it will be shared the creator should be mentioned. Credits to the creator could be given by simply adding a reference to the creator in your virtual class form under the "Attribution" tab. 

Of course, crediting or referencing the creator of 3D models is not only important when using Sketchfab but is something that is always important when using content created by someone else no matter the source. Therefore, we would advise you to always check the licenses that come with the content you are using. 

1. Edit the space in which you have use the models   

2. Put the reference/credits for the creator of the 3D model under the 'Attribution' tab. 

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