Introduction to Spoke

Spoke is an online 3D scene editor that you can use to combine your 3D model(s) into a scene. imedu users with 'creator rights' have the additional option to import their own scenes. Therefore, it is necessary to get a little bit familiar with Spoke.

What is 'Spoke?'

Spoke is an online 3D scene editor that has been integrated with imedu. Spoke runs in the browser and allows you to upload your own 3D models, videos, images, or other files you want to use in your virtual world. Besides your own content Spoke also has some pre-made 'building blocks that can be used to create a perfect virtual world. 

How we handle your designs (scenes) 

  • Your scenes stays yours, we don't use it without your permission
  • Your scenes are only visible in your backend. You control when to use it
  • You can delete your scenes from our system (this will break every space using it)
  • You can always export your GLB models and scenes (and eg. upload in another Hubs compatible platform)


Once you open "" for the very first time to create a scene there will be an option to follow a guided tutorial. As an absolute starting point, we would recommend always following this guided tutorial to get a basic understanding of the UI (User interface) and controls. Furthermore, it could be beneficial to practice with the standard models and assets before uploading 3D models or other assets yourself. 

Official Documentation 

The imedu platform uses Mozilla Hubs software as an engine for the virtual world. Mozilla Hubs also uses Spoke as an online 3D scene editor in the exact same way as us and luckily they have a very extensive documentation regarding Spoke and how to use it as a beginner. This means you can use the standard Spoke documentation by Mozilla as a reference. So, for creators eager to learn more about Spoke, besides the basic features, read the Spoke documentation here

Mozilla Hubs Community

The last resource we would recommend for users that want to dive deeper into the world of online virtual reality is the community of Mozilla Hubs. The community can be very relevant if you want to learn, ask and see more ways in which virtual reality can be used. In addition, if you have questions regarding Spoke the community could be able to answer them as well. 

Workshops and Training

Would you like to learn Spoke by following a guided training with one of our team members at imedu? If so, then do not hesitate and send us a request by contacting the support team. Please indicate the level of experience with Spoke as we can accommodate guided training sessions for different levels of experience (for teachers with no prior experience as well as 3D designers). We might also create weekly workshops for Spoke if demand turns out to be large enough among users with the same level of experience. 

Note: imedu has built its platform based on Mozilla hubs, however, they are not the same as imedu made a lot of additions and improvements to tailor education specifically. 

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