Setting up your space

On this page you can setup and change your learning space. You can adjust the following properties:

  • The Details tab shows the generic settings like title, description and other properties that are use to describe and find your space. If you have 'creator' rights you can also change the number of locations in this space.
  • Under the Instructions you can add instructions for students and other teachers (in case you are sharing this). This will be shown while students visit the space, and help them to complete the class.
  • The Content & Challenges can be used to set up predefined content and challenges in the spaces. These are added by the creator of the space, and allow you to dynamically change the learning materials or assignments simply from a form. 

Adding additional learning materials and details

In the space you can als add additional learning materials. Think about adding images, files, links or sharing your screen or webcam. This might often be a thing for people with 'creator' rights, that set up and decorate spaces for themselves and others, but you don't need these rights to do so. 'Enter space' to visit it, check out the video below for instructions. Remember that a space is not yet accessible by anybody untill you actually invite them. 

Some tips: 

  • If you make changes while there is an ongoing class in the space, users may need to reopen the space to see all changes, 
  • You can also Enter any space directly from the 'Spaces' page.
Check out the following video for instructions on how to add learning materials:

More info:
Want more information and examples on how to add content in a virtual space? Then read these articles:

Have fun creating!

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