Release 2.1

imedu has received another update, and this time it's a big one. We even decided to change our release numbering for this one. So instead of ‘Release 10’ we call this update ‘Release 2.1’.

This release brings our UI in line with the new color scheme we launched in September. But more importantly it fixes a lot of small useability issues, introduces new spaces and lays the groundwork for more interactive features! We'll discuss the important changes below.

Class Manager

  • New menu and UI: First of all we updated the UI to match the new branding we introduced in September. You will notice this by the changed color schema and a more efficient menu. On the top of the page you now see the name of your organization and (on the right side) your own name. The settings, support and logout options are all moved into a dropdown below your name.

    But more importantly:We also made a lot of small improvements to make the overall experience better and faster. For example, the dashboard has been redesigned to take less space, forms have been optimized or redesigned, 'back' buttons have more logical destinations, and your personal space overview is now shown in a convenient list view.

The new user interface, with on the left side the new menu.
Your account settings, support page and log out button have been moved to the top right.

  • Your private tutorial/training room: When you signed up, you would always get a standard space called ‘campus’. But this was quite a complicated space for many first time users, so we replaced that with a new simple tutorial room. If you already signed up and want to try it: you can find the tutorial space under ‘Spaces’ > ‘Examples’

The new private tutorial space, where you can safely experiment with the basic controls

  • Improved support for VR headsets: Already released a bit earlier, but the ‘student invitation’ now also includes a link and VR access code. This helps you to easily join a session with a VR headset. The link can be bookmarked in a WebXR browser (eg. on Meta Quest) and shows an entry page for all classes in your organization. Students simply enter the VR access code to join the session.

The updated invitation now contains a special link for VR access. This link is unique for your organization and can be bookmarked in every headset.
On the right you see this access page, along with buttons to easily enter the access code for the session

  • `Sessions` instead of `classes`: You might have noticed by now, but we decided to use the word ‘sessions’ instead of ‘classes’. Not everything that people put in the Schedule is acutally a class, so this term is a better way to describe it.
  • Choose a custom image for your spaces: When you use the same location for multiple spaces, it may be difficult to distinguish them if they all have the same image in the ClassManager. Therefore you can now upload a custom image on the detail page of the space. Look for the button 'change' on the image.
  • Last used spaces: A simple change, but soooo nice if you are working on multiple spaces: the list of spaces on your dashboard and 'Spaces' page is now sorted by something we call ‘last time used’. Everytime you enter a space (eg. to add content) or change the metadata, that space will be bumped to the top. This makes it much quicker to find the last space you were working on.
  • Quickly add a new space: This was also released a bit earlier, but we simplified the steps for adding a space. Actually there is one step less, and you can directly start with selecting a standard space or custom design.
  • Technology updates, bugfixes & security patches: This release also includes quite some bugfixes, important software and security updates and optimizations. Making it safer and easier for us to maintain the application and add more features in the future!

  • When building a space, you can now also find a poster with the student instructions (PDF) in the content library. This is an easy way if you don’t use the Guide, or if you are creating a space for VR headsets (the guide does not work on a headset)
  • We fixed an issue where you would briefly hear all sounds when loading a space.
  • PDF could not be clicked in the Meta Quest 2, this is fixed.
  • The avatar selection screen will be updated in categories, and the list will be shown in a better way. This makes it easier to see all available avatars.
  • We made the controls a bit smaller by moving the buttons a bit more to the edges. Not everybody has a big monitor so moving this out of the way gives you some more ‘viewing’ room. The color schemes for light and dark mode have been improved.

The new reduced UI of imedu world with more 'view-space', shown in dark-mode

Single sign-on integration:

  • By default students and visitors are anonymous in imedu. But in case you want to add reporting or improved access control, we can now integrate with several external sign-on solutions. For Dutch universities, we can for example integrate with the single-sign-on solution ‘Surfconext’ from SURF. If your organization is connected you can let your students log in with their university account and also minimize the transfer of privacy sensitive data. Reach out to our support team at if you want to know more.

Coming up later this week

The following updates will be added during the coming week. Follow our LinkedIn page, or simply check the Class Manager to get notified.

  • A new campus: While imedu is all adding seperate virtual learning experiences to your existing learning processes, the new campus gives you a ‘virtual home’ that is always open and where teachers (and students!) can meet, practise with the platform or organize small events. It contains a square, a large stage, an exposition area and a basement with portals to add more ‘always on’ lociations.

    As this is first version, we are very excited and curious how this will be used, so let us know! The shared campus is available from the ‘Medium plan’ and for some selected clients that want to test it.
  • More ready-to-use spaces: As we see more examples and get more experience with learning spaces, we want to provide you with a set of ‘ready-to-use’ spaces around proven learning methods. This will mean that we will reduce the number of standard spaces you will see when adding a space, in the coming weeks. But don’t worry, it doesn't mean the locations will be gone. You can still use them when you set up your space from scratch, or add them as extra locations to existing spaces.

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