Working with challenges

Content & challenges modules are configurable and interactive assets and puzzles that you can encounter in a standard space or learning activity. You can customize these challenges easily in the ClassManager, this is explained below. We developed content & challenges modules as an easier way to set up spaces with content and interactive modules (by using a backend form), instead of having to manually upload, scaling and place your content in the space itself.

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Working with challenges

To make your learning activities more interactive, you can find interactive puzzles, assignments, sounds, animations, or other triggers in selected spaces. These interactions are called 'challenges', and can easily be customized with your own content. 

An example of an escape room with different challenges.
On the left, there is a puzzle to match pictures with words. On the right, you need to create pairs from a collection of cards. 
In the middle, there is a switch panel where you can enter all solutions of the puzzles to open the door.

Configuring content & challenge modules

Challenges can consist of a simple single object, or contain buttons, multiple objects, or sounds that together make up the challenge. If a learning activity (space) has challenges, you will see them under the 'Challenges' tab while editing the space.

Click on a challenge to change descriptions, contents, or solutions. 

The 'challenges' tab in the 'Edit space' section.

Each challenge has different properties and a different form to change them. This depends on the 'challenge type'. Here are some possible common properties you may encounter:

  • Title: a name for the challenge, this is usually visible in the space on a poster (along with the description)
  • Description: a description of the puzzle and at the same time the instructions for the student. These are visible in the space as a poster.
  • Images, terms, definitions: some challenges use images, terms or definitions that students need to match. You will be able to set them.
  • Solution map: if a challenge is a puzzle, it probably results in some sort of solution. The solution map will generate a map from possible puzzle results to a specific number or word that can be used later. This is also placed in the space.

After you have saved your changes, you will see your changes when entering (or refreshing) the space again.

Duplicating challenges to create different versions

Challenges behave just like other content when duplicating a learning space. So to create different versions of a learning space with one or more challenges, you simply duplicate the space and adjust the challenge-content in the new copy.

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