Add simple text posters or share ideas with notes

'Notes' are floating cards with text, that you can easily create and place in your space. Notes can be used to quickly create small poster with explanations or instructions. You can also use them or brainstorming or sharing ideas (just as real colored notes).

Notes can only be created and edited in desktop view. But you can ofcourse view, move and scale them in a VR headset.

How to add a note

You can add a note by clicking on the button in the toolbar. This will open up an editor to add your text. You can select the font-size and color of the note. When you type a longer text, the font-size will automatically decrease so the text will always fit.

After you save the note, it will generate an image object that you can move, rotate or scale just like a regular image.

The Note edit window

Required user rights to use notes

Notes behave similar as regular images or objects. Which means you need to have rights to 'create objects' to by able to add a note. If you want to 'pin' a note and let it persist in the room after you leave, you need 'pinning rights'.

So make sure that you apply the right visitor settings when you want to let your visitors use notes.

Editing notes

If you point at a note, you will see a button to edit the text. Click on it to reopen the editor and change your text. You can move, scale and edit any note in the space, including those made by others.

Click the edit button to change a note

Go to your spaces to try it out ➡️

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