How add sound to your virtual space

Are you wondering how you can add sound to your virtual space? You might have accomplished placing an object in the room or virtual space already (if you need a refresher on how to place an object in the space check out this article Upload content). However, what about adding an audio file or recordings? The article below will walk through the instruction of how you can add sound to your virtual space. 

Placing Audio files in your virtual space

Luckily adding audio to your room is just as easy as placing any other object. We walk through the steps one by one now: 

  • Click on "Place"

  • Click on "Upload"

  • Select the audio file saved on your PC 

  • Click on "Create Object"

  • The audio file will appear. 

IMPORTANT: Audio files can significantly impact the size and performance of your space. Adding complete songs or (multiple) long audio files can make your space very slow, or maybe even prevent them to load at all, especially on lower-end devices or devices with slower networks. To avoid issues, make sure to convert your audio files to .mp3 format and avoid (multiple) large files

There are multiple free websites where you simply download free music that you can use in your space. An example of one of these free websites is, where you can find royalty-free and copyright-free music ready to use. Another website is which can be used to also find a wide range of sound effects instead of only music. Of course, there will be a lot more other websites or you want to add your own voice recordings to a room 

After completing all the steps from the instruction you will be able to place audio files and thus add sound to your space without any difficulties. Besides adding your own audio files or recordings you also have some idea about free online sources that you could use in your virtual class. 

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