Introduction to the Class Manager

The imedu Class Manager helps you to organize your virtual spaces and classes. In this article, we will show the most important components to ensure you have no problems organizing your classes from start to finish. 

Overview Class Manager

The Class Manager is your imedu backend, from where you set up and plan all your classes. You can access the different functionalities via the menu on the left.

Home: Quickly access the most important things 
From "Home"  you can instantly start a class or schedule one. Furthermore, you can view upcoming classes and the latest additions made to your collection of spaces. Therefore it is important to remember that from ''Home'' you can use all the functionalities you will need to schedule, start or make a class. 
Spaces: Create, find and manage learning spaces
Here you can find all the spaces you have created or that are shared by your colleagues/organization. There is a list of spaces we at imedu have created and filled with content that you could copy and use to create a class. The filters at the top of the screen allow for a quick and easy search. Note, to host a class you have created and invite students, go to the schedule page and schedule your class!
Schedule: Schedule and manage your classes
The Schedule page is used for managing and organizing your classes.  Scheduling a class ensures that students know at which time they can join the virtual class. Moreover, it is easier to separate between groups when a class is scheduled separately for multiple groups that follow the same class. Lastly, by pressing on the button ''Start a class ''  an instant class is scheduled for 60 minutes, which is useful if you want to discuss or set up a meeting with imedu.   
Content: Set up learning materials to use in your spaces
Here you can build and share content that you use for creating classes, such as videos, images, and quizzes. Although learning materials could be directly uploaded into the space we strongly recommend using the content library. Moreover, content in your library can be shared with colleagues used for custom reports and other gamification tools in the future
Settings: Adjust your profile and billing details
In the settings menu, you can change basic information such as name, Email, or timezone. In addition, upgrading your plan is also done from the settings menu. Note that changing your password regularly is recommended. 
Help: Browse our helpdesk for more solutions, ideas, and explanations
The last button is the ''Help'' button which is linked to our Helpdesk page wìth articles and videos regarding common questions, additional information as well as some tips and tricks for using imedu. 

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