People management in imedu

Managing up to 25 students in a virtual space could be difficult and new to most teachers, therefore we have implemented some features that assist teachers in managing a class online. In this article, the most important features and tips are discussed. 

Gather everyone to your location

In the 'People' menu, you might have seen the button "Gather everyone". This button allows the owner of a space to automatically gather every student to their location. This might be especially useful if the teacher wants to give an explanation or concluding talk to everyone at once. 

  • Click on the ''People menu'' next to the object menu at the top of your screen. 
  •  A list of all the participants will appear, above the names, click on the button "Gather everyone'' to teleport all avatars around you.

Managing user's avatars

The following actions can be used to manage individual people's avatars. They can all be done in two ways:

1. From the people menu

  • Open the 'people menu' and click on the student's name for a panel with settings

2. From the avatar options

  • Walk over to the student . 
  • Point the cursor at his/her avatar and press on the space bar. 
  • Click on the desired action (the +/- buttons are for the person's volume output). 

2. Collectively

  • Press on the "People Menu" in the top right of the screen. 
  • Click on the option "Mute All". 

All the students in the space are now muted 


In some cases it is not required for every student to have their audio enabled, an example might be when the teacher or a single student is giving a presentation. Furthermore, some (often younger) students might misbehave and open their audio when they are not supposed to. In these types of situations there is a way to mute people in the space. 

Besides indivually muting students, you can also mute everybody at once. Click on 'Mute all' in the People's menu 

Increase volume of a person 

You can change the volume of the microphone of an individual avatar. This settings is personal and only applies for you. 

Hide a person 

It sometimes can be usefull to hide somebody's avatar from your view. Nothing will actually happen to this person's presence, but their avatar will simply be hidden from your view. You can always unhide a person again.


A more drastic method is to kick somebody out of your session. Whatever the reason might be, the owner can always force/kick somebody out of the virtual room, although people can reuse their invitation link to return while that is still valid. . 

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