Promoting/Demoting a participant

We have received quite a few questions regarding the user rights for virtual spaces and this made us realize we might need to clarify a few things. Therefore, this article has been created to explain how user rights work, their implications and how to change them. 

Ownership & user rights

The owner of a space is the person that has created the space (and set up the session) in the ClassManager, and always has access to all features (given he/she is logged in). All the participants that join the space via an invitation link will not have the same rights as the owner, unless they are explicitely given.

By default a virtual space disables some functionalities for invited participants or guests. For example, students might only be allowed to use the chat and microphone function. And when using a virtual space made by someone else, it might be that only the owner or creator of that space has all the rights to interact with the space. 

These user rights can be changed by the owners. Read here how you set the user rights for students/guests in your space. 

Sharing ownership of a space

Besides upgrading rights, you sometimes want to share the control of a space with multiple people. Eg. if you are facilitating a session and a colleague needs full access to help you create a smooth experience. In order to give similar rights to somebody else, the original owner can promoted other users as co-owner. To let this work, these other users also need to have an imedu educator account and should be logged in.  

  • Click on the "People menu" in the top right corner
  • Click on the name of the participant from the list of names
  • Click on "Promote" 

Now the person has have been promoted he/she will automatically have access to all functionalities, and can change room settings as the original owner. Important to mention is that the owner can always demote participants following the same steps as before, the button "Demote" will appear on the place where "Promote" was before. 

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