Info panels and content library

In this last article of the three-part article series, we dicuss info panels and the content library of imedu. 

This article is the second one in our three-part article series where we explain all the different options of uploading content. 
-  You can read the first article here: Upload content.
-  You can read the second article here: Place & scale 3D content

Posting info panels (articles, external apps, and quizzes)

Info panels are pop-up screens that display an external website or article. This can be content you have prepared in Class Manager (imedu Dashboard) or it can be content from an external website or web app. 

The main advantage of info panels over normal links is that they open within the screen of your virtual room. The student has faster access to the information, so doesn't leave the virtual space, is back quickly, and stays in the experience. Moreover, when placing videos from external websites such as Youtube or Vimeo in an info panel it will only be audible for the person opening the panel, which means everyone can watch the content at their own pace without disturbing everyone with their sound. 

How to use your own content library

First, we advise saving all the content that will be used to create info panels in the virtual space as content in your own content library 

In Class Manager (imedu dashboard) you can set up your own content library by adding documents and quizzes. We will go through the steps to create content in your library. Everything you place via the content library will open in a (private) info panel for each student and can be included in reports. 

  • Go to the ''Content'' tab on the left side of your screen. 

  • Click on ''Add document ''
  • Then two options will appear, Writing or placing content in an article or using an external website link or web app. 
  • Choose the appropriate one for your content and save it to your library. 

How to place an info panel

The saved documents are then shown under 'Documents' after you clicked on the "Content" tab on the left side of your screen. When setting up your learning space and you have entered the learning space you want to edit these documents are also shown under the ''Content'' menu next to the ''Object'' menu at the top of your screen. This is the recommended way of placing an info panel with the content you have made in your own library. We will go over the 2 ways to place info panels step by step. 

1) So when you are in your virtual space and have content in your library: 

  • Click on 'Content' to open the content library
  • Drag the document into the space
  • Wait for the loader to generate a preview image
  • An info-panel will be created and your content is placed

2) Manually add a panel, from an external website or the ''share'' link of your content

  • In the space, go to 'Place' > 'Panel'.
  • Enter the link to the website or your document, and choose a text to show on the button
  • Click ok and the button to the panel will appear in space

Some ideas for using info panels:

  • Place panels as a source of information near 3D objects, e.g. with a link to a website with more information about the subject.
  • Use them to view interactive presentations (Google Slides, LessonUp)
  • Create an info panel that links to a shared document (e.g. Google Docs or Office 365), here all students can then collaborate just as they open it separately in a browser.
  • Use them to open external quizzes or tests (e.g. Kahoot, Google Forms)
  • Place a panel with (extra) instructions at the beginning or end of the room
  • Create a panel to your schedule or planning app , so students can see the next lessons.

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