How to add Youtube video's to imedu content panels

Is it possible to directly take Youtube videos and add them to imedu content panels? Yes , and in this article, we will show the instruction on how this can be accomplished. In a previous article, we have already discussed the advantages of creating content directly in the imedu platform and placing this content as info panels in your virtual space. See the article: Set up spaces & handle the content.

How to add Youtube videos to content panels 

For videos, info panels are especially useful because they will create a personal pop-up screen for the person opening the panel, without leaving the room. Therefore the sound and display of the video will only be audible for the person opening the panel and not for everybody in the room. 

So, how to correctly place a Youtube video in a content panel? In short you should do the following: 

  1. Copy the video embed code from youtube 
  2. Write a new 'article' in the your Content section
  3. Embed the video in your imedu content using the button in the editor toolbar

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